great day!!!

whoa,,best everlasting,,
kami prank si NAdu,,,,,,,,
unplanned but we all perform da bez!!



diam xdiam rupenye,,

lama gak ak da x amik kesah kt blog ak ni,,

hihi,,sory ye syg,,

quite bz lorh,,,


nta pe mimpi tbe2 aku penasaran nk bkak blog ni,,

haha,,rndu pdmu kot,,haha,,

byk sgt keje la syg,,

smpi i xsmpt mngadu nsib di sini,,

dkt sbulan lbey rsenye,,hehe,,

n finally kutmui 1 kbnaran yg  da lme ak tngu,


epy sgt!! ak syg ko!

A friend is one of the nicest things you can have, and one of the best things you can be.  ~Douglas Pagel
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    Well..i'm a simple person juzZ nOthing but Ordinary, suka sangat ketawa+dgki org ,suka bwat Org epy sllu 2 pasl my parent bg nama pn Chy KegeMbiraAn hihi:),luv 2 talk so much(tpi ngan org yg dikenali je la)...very the manje..but also a very nice gUlz aw..but very da racist with kucing..suke tgok tp alergic gle nak pegang kucing tu..n malas nak mandi kalo duduk umah lama2..well i kan penjimat air..tak mahu sush kan umi ayh bayar bil bnyak2

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