
i got dis one 'saying' from a friend.. hope it enlightens you as how it did to me..

ALLAH said:
If you never felt pain, or experienced problems, how would you know I'm a Healer?

If you never made a mistake, how would you know I'm Forgiving?

If you were never hurt, how would you know I can Comfort you?

If your life is perfect, then why would you need Me? 
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ank murid notty!

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    Well..i'm a simple person juzZ nOthing but Ordinary, suka sangat ketawa+dgki org ,suka bwat Org epy sllu 2 pasl my parent bg nama pn Chy KegeMbiraAn hihi:),luv 2 talk so much(tpi ngan org yg dikenali je la)...very the manje..but also a very nice gUlz aw..but very da racist with kucing..suke tgok tp alergic gle nak pegang kucing tu..n malas nak mandi kalo duduk umah lama2..well i kan penjimat air..tak mahu sush kan umi ayh bayar bil bnyak2

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